Verden opplever økende antall døde av cóvid19 ETTER at vąksinene kom.

Eksperimentet med vaksinene fungerte ikke.
Det har i stedet kostet mange mennesker livet samtidig som det ikke påvirker dødstallene av covid 19 i verden sammenlignet med året før vaksinene kom.
“Prinsippet om massevaksinering med en defekt vaksine som gjør et virus både mer overførbart og mer virulente er noe som er vanskelig å benekte på dette tidspunktet.
Realiteten er at flere mennesker har dødd av COVID-19 i 2021, med de fleste voksne vaksinert (og nesten alle eldre), enn i 2020 da ingen ble vaksinert.,” skriver Malvind Børresen i en oppdatering på Facebook. Børresen viser til en artikkel i Blaze Media hvor Daniel Horowitz slår fast at vaksinene ikke har påvirket tallet på Covid-døde i det hele tatt.

“Horowitz: The data is in, and we are now worse off than before the experimental shots
Whether this vaccine actually sheds the spike protein onto other people is still not yet proven (although Pfizer seems to indicate it can spread through skin-to-skin contact in “inhalation”), but the principle of mass vaccination with a faulty vaccine making a virus both more transmissible and more virulent is something that is hard to deny at this point.
The reality is that more people have died from COVID-19 in 2021, with most adults vaccinated (and nearly all seniors), than in 2020 when nobody was vaccinated. Something is not adding up, and perhaps those who have been dabbling in gain-of-function research in recent years have the answer.
According to the latest Public Health England report, the only country with granular weekly data, the COVID-19 case rates are higher per capita among the vaccinated in every age group over 30. Among those in their 40s, the case rate is nearly double among the vaccinated, for a vaccine efficacy – at least against infection – of a stunning -86%.
Anyone who tells you this is normal and expected is simply lying to you. These numbers are getting worse every week. The bottom line is that cases are spreading quicker, including out of season, post-vaccine. It would be one thing if the virus became more transmissible and less deadly, which is what we typically experience with a natural pandemic. However, the opposite is true. This virus has taken a painful toll on both the vaccinated and unvaccinated over the past few months, a phenomenon that is very well explained with a leaky vaccine that fails to sterilize the virus but causes viral immune escape and a degree of vaccine mediated enhancement.
Moreover, the notion that somehow the vaccines stop death is simply not true, especially not after they began to leak in efficacy after the first few months. We simply find no correlation anywhere in the world with higher vaccination rates and better outcomes. In fact, Israel is practically a textbook example of a leaky vaccine creating a degree of viral enhancement.
To blame this on the “Delta variant” makes no sense. When England got the first round of Delta in May, about two months before the American South got crushed and before Israeli research showed the vaccine leaking, Delta was actually much less virulent (described as a cold). At the time, I personally dismissed it as more of a cold because I was expecting this virus to continue behaving the way a natural virus would. Then the American South and Israel got hit hard. Now England is also experiencing a higher death rate. My friend who goes by “Gato” online provides this useful graphic on his Substack page, which shows the case fatality rate gradually rising, not falling, with higher vaccination rates in England.
Again, this makes no sense, according to the media narrative. There’s no way a tiny percentage of unvaccinated adults can be responsible for making the virus spread more prolifically and become more virulent, especially as we see there are more cases per capita among the vaccinated over 30. What is clear is that this virus took a turn for the worse right around the six-month mark after the vaccines began to leak transmission. Then, it first slammed the unvaccinated people – just as we saw with the leaky chicken vaccine with Marek’s disease – because the vaccinated still had a degree of preventive protection. ”

Én tanke om “Verden opplever økende antall døde av cóvid19 ETTER at vąksinene kom.

  1. “Verden opplever økende antall døde av cóvid19 ETTER at vąksinene kom”

    Det blir som å si at vi klarte oss med t-skjorte hele sommeren.
    Vi gav alle en genser i høst, men likevel ble folk forkjølte og syke i januar. Verden opplever økende andel syke folk ETTER at de begynte å bruke genser.
    Konklusjon: man blir syk av å bruke genser!


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