Amerikansk baptistkvinne kler seg i Hijab i solidaritet med amerikanske muslimer

frafalls-baptisterMens tusenvis av kristne i muslimske land er under intense forfølgelser fra antikristelige muslimske krefter velger en amerikansk baptistisk kvinne og ikle seg en muslimsk Hijab som en protest på den anti-muslimske retorikken i den amerikanske valgkampen. Martha DeVries som er rådgiver ved en ungdomsskole har nå bestemt seg for å bære Hijab offentlig hver eneste mandag, melder Charisma News. DeVries som er 47 år gammel og medlem av en baptistkirke identifiserer seg som “en etterfølger av Jesus” men sier samtidig hun føler seg forpliktet til å vise aksept for muslimer og flyktninger.


Det var i januar/februar utgaven av det baptistiske Herald,  Baptist News Global at historien først dukket opp og det hele begynte i desember. Til det baptistiske magasinet kristne-slaktessier kvinnen at hun ikke har fått noen negative kommentarer på gata eller på arbeidsplassen, men på sin Facebookside har flere uttrykt uenighet med kvinnen. “Bare vent til de tvinger deg til å bære en slik, og nekter du vil du bli et hode kortere,” heter det i en kommentar. Kvinnenes ektemann, Mike DeVries som er en deltids ungdoms-pastor støtter hans kones stunt. Etter at historien ble kjent har den baptistiske kvinnen fått mange muslimske Facebook-venner. Samtidig som enkelte roser kvinnen for hennes solidaritet med muslimer, er det flere som etterlyser den baptistiske kvinnens solidaritet med de titusener av kristne som blir forfulgt av mennesker fra den religion som DeVries uttrykker solidaritet med. “Hvor er denne kvinnens solidaritet med de mange kristne som gjennom tortur, forfølgelse og død for Jesu navns skyld?” er det flere som spør og med rette. I hele den muslimske verden opplever tusenvis av kristne kraftige forfølgelser for Jesu navns skyld, og hvor er solidariteten med disse?




Én tanke om “Amerikansk baptistkvinne kler seg i Hijab i solidaritet med amerikanske muslimer

  1. Kvinnen gir bevisst eller ubevisst støtte til Muslim Brotherhood, Sharie og The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights.

    “Most people see the hijab as religious or cultural, but the hijab is a symbol of the Sharia and has a very political meaning.”

    “Such is the way of time: left unchecked, what was once ludicrous to suggest—for instance, the Brotherhood’s 1953 request “for every woman walking in the street to wear a headscarf”—slowly and gradually becomes part of the culture.

    It is for this reason that Sharia poses a threat to the West—not because it will be imposed on Westerners, but rather because, little by little, decade after decade, aspects of it may gradually worm their way in.”

    “The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights”

    “The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights was a document put together in 1990 after the United Nations had come out with its Universal Human Rights. The Muslims looked at it and said: “We don’t like universal human rights. We will put together an Islamic document about human rights.”

    We can learn something very interesting about Islam and about us as Kafirs from this document. It is a 2 to 3 page document that is based on the Sharia. It has some lofty language, which at first seems to be wonderful, until you look at it really closely. For instance, it starts off by saying that all human beings form one family whose members are united by their subordination to Allah. What? Human beings are those who submit to Allah and that’s our first insight into the true nature of this doctrine. What about those who do not submit to Allah?

    It goes ahead to say all men are equal in terms of basic human dignity. Well, not really because in the Sharia, there are Kafirs and believers and Kafirs are not treated equally under the Sharia.

    The Cairo Declaration states that the right to life is guaranteed to every human being. It is forbidden to take away a life except for a Sharia prescribed reason. What might those be? Well there’s the usual ones, such as the penalty for murder. But then there are other reasons to take a life, which I personally don’t like. For instance, it’s allowed to take the life of a Kafir, if it is in jihad. That is wrong and doesn’t really give me a lot of rights. Another reason that you can kill somebody is, buried deep in the back of the Sharia text, is that both parents and grandparents shall not be considered guilty if they kill one of their children. So in other words, honor killings are built into the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights.

    It states that men and women have the right to marriage and no restrictions stemming from race color or nationality. What are we missing? Yes, religion! Because you see there are many prohibitions on Muslims. A Muslim woman is not supposed to marry a Kafir male, but a Kafir woman can marry an Islamic male, a Muslim male. Why? The children have to be raised as Muslims.

    The Cairo Declaration says that a woman is equal to a man in human dignity. Right. But included in the Sharia are prescriptions on how a woman is to be beaten and the appropriate ways to do this. So much for equality.

    It say that everyone shall have the right to enjoy their fruits of his scientific, literary, or artistic work. Well, not really. Because you see, any art which portrays Mohammed or Islam in a bad way is strictly forbidden.

    Then we have one that sounds great. All individuals are equal before the law. But individuals are not equal under the Sharia. A Kafir cannot testify in a Sharia court against a Muslim. That’s the equality under the Sharia.

    The Cairo declaration says that everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely. Try going to Pakistan and say something about Mohammed Muslims don’t like and you’ll see how much right you have to freely express your opinion. You’ll be dead.

    The Cairo Declaration ends with a simple statement. All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this declaration are subject to the Sharia. It is a case where the little print takes away everything that the big print promises. Because there aren’t any rights and freedoms inside of the Sharia for the Kafir. Human rights are only for Muslims. Kafirs don’t have any rights because Kafirs are not humans. So much for the declaration of human rights under Islam.”

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