Jonathan Cahn: Er du en som skaper trøbbel med din tro?

Et talende budskap fra Jonathan Cahn om hvordan vi som står for det gamle budskapet i dag er blitt dem som skaper problemer og vansker. Et sterkt budskap til bibeltroende kristnes status i Amerika og den sekulære verden. Og under denne videoen skal vi høre Jonathan Cahns syn på årets valg. Sjekk ut begge klippene

Én tanke om “Jonathan Cahn: Er du en som skaper trøbbel med din tro?

  1. “Documented: Obama’s ‘Traditional Muslim Bias’ against Christians
    The difference between active and passive persecution. ”

    “Perhaps the most interesting aspect of all this is that the Obama government’s bias against Mideast Christians closely resembles the traditional bias Christian minorities experience at the hands of Muslim governments.  There are active and passive persecutors of Christians in the Muslim world.  Muslim criminals, mobs, and terrorists actively persecute Christians, while Muslim governments passively enable them.  Muslims kidnap, rape, rob, and/or kill Christians precisely because they know Muslim authorities will rarely if ever do anything about it (it is against Islamic law to side with “infidels” against Muslims).  Christian minorities in nations such as Egypt and Pakistan know this well.  Similarly, Muslim governments seldom if ever hire Christians to positions of authority (Islamic law bans the intentional placement of an “infidel” over Muslims).”

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